Congratulations! You've started to think outside of the box...We welcome you.

What you are about to partake in is a world of our inner thoughts, inner feelings, clear cut opinions and revolutionary observations...Hopefully something you read will change your perception of "what is"...change your day, maybe even change your way of thinking all together. More importantly, if there's some words of wisdom that you may wanna pass on...Feel free. Let us learn from each other. It's time for the righteous people to get it together...When it's all said and done, give the glory to God. All praises due to The Most High!! Be Devoted To The S.O.U.L!!! Peace & Freedom.




A Trip To Love

While swimming in the infinities of space it seems

The constellations, moons and outer galaxies

Must be figments of my imagination or subconcious dreams

This feeling of flight nothing more than a fallacy

The blazing warmth of the sun, the beauty of Saturn's rings

I am lost in it's awesomeness, it's omnipotent flow

Floatin' on everything that is air watchin' living stars scattering

So much to see at one time, from here where do I go?

I can feel God's presence here, wrapped in all that is created holy

I feel the feelings of being here before, visions of the past

Emersed in the deep chapters of this real life never ending story

Wondering if all of this ambience is going to last

Despite the vast darkness and absence of time, I drown in this world above

To drown is to die, to die is to live, for where I am living is love

Truly Yours,

Mitch Hennessy

What Takes Years To Figure Out Can Be Forgotten In Seconds...

"Vengence is Mine" saith The Lord

Before I learned this, I had it set in my mind that when that finally came I would do some thing so raw that Satan would resent the day he decided to torment me...I often ask, why me? From the very day I was born, Satan has tried to keep me from reachin' my full potential. After years of wondering why, I figured out that it was because God had His hands on me...There are things that have happened in my life that if I did tell you, only most probably would half believe me. All that I can say is that after certain things happen to you; you have no other choice but to become in tune with the spiritual realm. Vengeance...the desire for revenge, it can consume you and drive you off of the path. "Vengeance is Mine" saith The Lord...After learning the true essence of this quote, I realized what that meant for me and I was surely pleased by the revelation. All of you who feel like I have felt, I say to you be patient. Trust in The Most High, your "revenge" will come thru His...Peace, Freedom & Blessings.

Truly Yours,
Mitch L. Hennessy